Raphaële Thévenin

Senior Manager / Practice manager


  • Double engineering degree from ESPCI and Institut of Optics
  • PhD from École Polytechnique

Areas of expertise

Real estate and construction industry
aeronautic industry
energy industry
transport sector

Raphaële is senior manager. She joined Carbone 4 in July 2019. She is a member of the Building Sector and Strategy practices.

Before joining Carbone 4, she worked for 3 years at Saint-Gobain, where she managed a strategic R&D project for the insulation activity. This enabled her to develop her skills in managing complex, transversal, multidisciplinary and internation projects and the associated team.

She then joined a startup as Head of R&D, and defined the technical development roadmap to turn a good idea of a new wood-based composite for the automotive and construction industries, into a industrializable process and viable product, to replace emissive and energy consuming materials.

During her PhD at École Polytechnique, she also gave scientific conferences, taught at the engineering school ESPCI, and presented experiments in Physics at the parisian science museum Palais de la Découverte.