Marion Subtil

Senior Consultant


    • Master’s Degree in Environmental Policy, Sciences Po
    • Degree in engineering, Ecole Nationale des Arts et Métiers

Areas of expertise

transport sector
climate strategy

Marion is a consultant senior at Carbone 4.

During her engineering studies at Arts et Métiers, Marion specialized in environmental engineering at El Bosque University (Colombia). In order to combine a technical understanding with a more global vision of energy and climate issues, she then completed her training with a master's degree in Environmental Policy at SciencesPo Paris.

Before joining the team, Marion worked as a consultant in the urban development division of the French Development Agency.

Resources by this author

Road transport - Assessing the climate benefits of second generation biodiesel
10 July 2023
Misconceptions about electric vehicles
1 September 2022
Preconceived ideas on aviation and climate
3 November 2022
Less is more when it comes to competing with Chinese cars
26 April 2023